
How do you know you need headhunting?

Looking for an executive colleague
Internal talent pool is not sufficient
Specific expertise needs

Steps of the cherry picking process

The whole cooperation starts with the thorough definition of the positions that need to be hired. As a next step, we will provide you with a list of vetted candidates that match your desired level of knowledge and experience for the particular role. Afterwards we will jointly decide on the shortlist. Each and every step of the process is transparent and managed according to the agreed milestones.


360° role definition

  • Close cooperation with the hiring manager and all stakeholders of the position
  • Definition of the critical must have criteria
  • Understanding of the project, goals and KPIs of the role
  • 3 performance based criteria

Market research & market intelligence

  • Funnel approach
  • Selected candidates presented in a long list with valuable insights and agency rating
  • Based on the market intelligence, collected references, competency based criteria and your personal preferences we together short list the best candidates

Best fit candidate

  • Project presented only to short listed candidates
  • With utmost personal approach we convert maximum number of short listed candidates into interviews
  • Our recruiter participates in all interviews and provides candidates with guidance and yourself with feedback

Job offer

  • Detailed understanding of candidates expectations
  • We support you in designing and positioning of the job offer to assure the acceptance